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Intermittent Fasting – The Viking Muscle guide

Starve yourself, every day, and get … bigger? No, really.  This works and is quickly emerging as the gospel for many serious athletes and bodybuilders. I’m by no means telling anyone to develop an eating disorder and wither away… Quite the opposite, a Leangains approach will require you to stuff yourself full everyday.  I’m suggesting you

Viking Diet

First of all understand that this diet will not be optimal for everyone who reads this based on weight and goals, but I hate it when people post their diet guidelines but not the  actual diet they are using to reach their goals. For this diet I am trying to cut fat slowly, eat only whole natural foods that adhere to the paleo diet,

Viking approved Food List

Eating clean is the best way to get the results you are looking fort.  The easiest and most effective way to get the body you want is by changing the foods you eat.  It makes sense right?  If you put organic, whole, unprocessed foods into your body… your body has nothing left to store as